yes, it has finally hit me. we're now living in a world full of.. hoes.
ANYWAAAYY. my week so far:
sucked! i was so stressed because i had to prepare for a bst test that is a MONDAY test but they rescheduled it to tuesday. so i procrastinated over the weekend AND THEN I DIED ON MONDAY.
i also had my head girl interview with the princi on monday. WHY SO SOON?
ionno. it went okay-ish. they kept asking about the conti. i didn't go, but it still caught me a bit off guard. needless to say, i was unnerved by the entire thing and subsequently went on a mad spree announcing to everyone that i cannot become the headgirl ever.
MONDAY test day lol. went pretty decent, as far as i can remember. more interviews, more people unnerved. i have this creepy intuition in my mind about who's gonna get the positions next year (and more importantly, who's not.) also, i had perhaps a million teachers, teachers, come up to me and tell me i looked very nice on the day of the carnival (i have to blog about that too. damn! later)
weird. very weird. they suddenly popped out of nowhere like those toys we used to get (you know? open lid, pops out the joker) and went like, 'oooh beta, you looked very pretty/nice/blah todayy!
very flattering, but again, very creepy.
i tried to steal the appointtee interview list with khyati today, lol. why? because they've grouped people of similar posts together. she didn't find it. i found it later on in the day.
my intuition was correct. but this one only had the boys' names on it. so yeah.
panic day. nobody seems to realize that we just have SEVENTEEN working days left, and a lot of farewell work is still left. decide to have council meeting on monday.
day starts off well. enter school, realize that there's a house assembly later on in the day. so i proceed to help with that and subsequently miss my first two classes.
turns out, in the time i was gone, a meeting had been called for the entire council, addressed by dipinder mam and anamica mam. their words? "a lot of changes have been made. lots of reshuffling. if you feel you might have a problem with getting a lower post or a different post than what you wanted, please step to the side. we don't want any hue and cry" :|
turns out, posts are being announced. today.
cue lots of nervousness and nail biting. thinking about it makes it nervous so i'll just spit it out.
i got head girl.
akanksha arora, head girl, batch of 2011-12.
nyahahahahahaha :D
um. other positions.
head boys: karan, tanay
head girls; grusha, me
presidents (boys): prince, sagar
presidents (girls): anmol, navya
khyati got cultural prez for functions. sanjana got sports captain. needless to say, they were really sad.
but my intuition was correct.
for everybody.
i'm psychic B)