May 31, 2010
May 30, 2010
Soo today I went and saw Shrek Forever After with my bro. It was fun!
Rumpelstiltskin is so evil :O
And I love Donkey :D
In other news, I was sick yesterday. I've realised that everytime R & I meet up (and sparks fly everywhere, hahaha), I end up falling sick.
But now I feel better :)
It rained today!
The smell of rain on earth is so amazing.
And I love the feel of rain on my skin.
It feels so.. perfect.
I love this weather.
Rumpelstiltskin is so evil :O
And I love Donkey :D
In other news, I was sick yesterday. I've realised that everytime R & I meet up (and sparks fly everywhere, hahaha), I end up falling sick.
But now I feel better :)
It rained today!
The smell of rain on earth is so amazing.
And I love the feel of rain on my skin.
It feels so.. perfect.
I love this weather.
May 29, 2010
English: A1
French: A2
Science: A1
Social Science: A1
Math: A1
May 27, 2010
Okay I'm majorly freaking out right now. Absolut-fucking-ley.
Because in March, I gave a bunch of seriously important exams, kind of like and Indian version of SATs, except that there are very similar ones in Grade 12 as well.
(These are Grade 10 ones.)
I'm not worried about how I'll do. Seriously. I'm a straight A student, and I'm sure I'll get a decent score.
What scares me is expectations. My parents are cool with whatever I get, but they'll obviously be disappointed if I don't do well.
Same goes for teachers in school.
And my peers, well, I honestly don't know. They'll feel sad for me, sure, but it kinda hurts if your friends do better than you :P
Argh. I donno what to do/think/say.
I'm just really, really nervous.
I hope they're good.
I'm not getting any sleep tonight.
Because in March, I gave a bunch of seriously important exams, kind of like and Indian version of SATs, except that there are very similar ones in Grade 12 as well.
(These are Grade 10 ones.)
I'm not worried about how I'll do. Seriously. I'm a straight A student, and I'm sure I'll get a decent score.
What scares me is expectations. My parents are cool with whatever I get, but they'll obviously be disappointed if I don't do well.
Same goes for teachers in school.
And my peers, well, I honestly don't know. They'll feel sad for me, sure, but it kinda hurts if your friends do better than you :P
Argh. I donno what to do/think/say.
I'm just really, really nervous.
I hope they're good.
I'm not getting any sleep tonight.
the magic hasn't died
I just found this on a friend's tumblr.
"This defines happiness"
She couldn't have put it in a more apt way.
I miss standing in a line at the crack of dawn to buy the latest Harry Potter. :(
Atleast there's the last movie left.
Some compensation.
"This defines happiness"
She couldn't have put it in a more apt way.
I miss standing in a line at the crack of dawn to buy the latest Harry Potter. :(
Atleast there's the last movie left.
Some compensation.
May 26, 2010
come and dance with me.
Yesterday was fun! :D
Went for a wedding. I lovelovelove weddings!
The groom was.. well.. ugly. Oh well.
So I was all docked up in Indian attire, and I actually looked nice :)
The food was so freaking awesome!
I had a million gol gappas over there.
Gol Gappas>
I was SOOOO happy! Even the bugger I have for a brother was getting along with me :P
So there was good food, good music, good people. Perfect evening!
There was this rather interesting conversation I had with one of my aunts (who hadn't seen me in forever)
Me: (in my mind) Wtf?
Aunt: Ohmygod, is this seriously you?! You've grown SO tall! Which grade are you in now?
Me: Uh, 11th.
Aunt: Big girl! And so pretty! Come here sweetheart, let me see you up close!
Me (unsure of what to do): Um, okay.
Aunt: Aww, you're looking adorable! (pulls cheeks)
(Which hurt, btw)
Aunt: Oh look, I see someone I should meet. Bye bye, pookie!
(to someone far away): POOOOKIEEEE!
But overall, it was fun.
Me likey :)
Went for a wedding. I lovelovelove weddings!
The groom was.. well.. ugly. Oh well.
So I was all docked up in Indian attire, and I actually looked nice :)
The food was so freaking awesome!
I had a million gol gappas over there.
Gol Gappas>

I was SOOOO happy! Even the bugger I have for a brother was getting along with me :P
So there was good food, good music, good people. Perfect evening!
There was this rather interesting conversation I had with one of my aunts (who hadn't seen me in forever)
Me: (in my mind) Wtf?
Aunt: Ohmygod, is this seriously you?! You've grown SO tall! Which grade are you in now?
Me: Uh, 11th.
Aunt: Big girl! And so pretty! Come here sweetheart, let me see you up close!
Me (unsure of what to do): Um, okay.
Aunt: Aww, you're looking adorable! (pulls cheeks)
(Which hurt, btw)
Aunt: Oh look, I see someone I should meet. Bye bye, pookie!
(to someone far away): POOOOKIEEEE!
But overall, it was fun.
Me likey :)
May 23, 2010
Rawrrr, I’m a dinosaur!
i am a girl.
i am a guy.
i am 5-13 years old.
i am 14-25 years old.
i am 25+ years old.
i have black hair.
i have blonde hair.
i’m a brunette.
i have dark hair.
i have highlights.
i have different colored hair.
my hair is long.
my hair is short.
my hair is straight.
my hair is curly.
my hair is wavy.
my hair is choppy.
i have split ends.
my name starts with the letter a.
my name starts with the letter b.
my name starts with the letter c.
my name starts with the letter h.
my name starts with the letter i.
my name starts with the letter l.
my name starts with the letter m.
my name starts with the letter n.
my name starts with the letter o.
my name starts with the letter q.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter q.
my name starts with the letter r.
my name starts with the letter s.
my name starts with the letter t.
my name starts with the letter u.
my name starts with the letter v.
my name starts with the letter w.
my name starts with the letter x.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter x.
my name starts with the letter y.
my name starts with the letter z.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter z.
i have a boyfriend.
i have a girlfriend.
i’m in love.
i have a crush.
my crush knows i like him/her.
my crush doesn’t know i like him/her.
i want to tell my crush i like him/her.
i hate boys.
i hate girls.
boys are stupid.
girls are weird.
i’m immature.
i’m “mature.”
i laugh loud.
i like to dance.
i like to sing.
i think i’m beautiful.
i think i’m handsome.
i think i’m ugly beyond all means.
i think i’m average.
i think i weigh too little.
i think i weigh too much.
i like chocolate.
i dislike chocolate.
i’m in elementary school.
i’m in junior high.
i’m in college.
i’m in high school.
i go to public school.
i go to a private school.
my school wears uniforms.
my school is all boys.
my school is all girls.
i like my school.
i hate my school.
i have a best friend.
i can tell anything to my best friend.
my best friend and i are crazy, loud, and fun.
i don’t have a best friend.
i want a best friend.
i’m currently looking for a best friend.
i hate my life.
i’m emo.
i’m scene.
i’m a punk.
i’m prep.
i’m gothic.
i’m geeky.
i’m a jock.
i play sports at my school.
i’m brainy.
i’m nerdy.
i’m a gangster.
i’m “ghetto.”
i’m a whore.
i’m a slut.
i don’t believe in stereotypes/labeling.
i don’t care what people think.
i have siblings. (one sibling.)
i have 2-4 siblings.
i have 5 or more siblings.
i’m an only child.
i live with both my parents.
i live with one of my parents.
i live alone.
my house is big.
my house is small.
my house is average.
my house has one story.
my house has two stories.
my house has more than two stories.
i don’t live in a house.
i live in an apartment.
i live in a high-rise building.
i live in the dormitories.
i live in a box on the streets.
my bedroom is small.
my bedroom is large.
i have a walk-in closet.
my closet is tiny.
i have pictures/posters all over my walls.
my walls are painted.
i have a bathroom in my room.
i share my room.
i have a computer in my room.
i have a desk in my room.
i have drawers in my room.
i think i have too many clothes.
i dress for style.
i dress for comfort.
i follow trends.
i make up my own trends.
i dress however i want.
i dress like all my friends.
i shop at designer stores.
i shop at thrift or department stores.
i don’t shop.
i’m caucasian.
i’m italian.
i’m german.
i’m irish.
i’m mexican.
i’m african - american.
i’m asian.
i’m chinese.
i’m japanese.
i’m korean.
i’m filipino.
i’m indian.
i’m something not mentioned on here.
i’m not from this planet, actually.
i have an accent when i speak.
my parents have an accent when they speak.
my favorite food is whatever ethnicity/race i am.
my favorite food is chinese.
my favorite food is japanese.
my favorite food is american.
my favorite food is mexican.
my favorite food is filipino.
my favorite food is italian.
my favorite food is all of these.
my favorite food is something else.
i like to read.
i read mangas.
i read novels.
i read romantic stories.
i read fiction.
i read fantasy.
i read action/adventure.
i read biographies/autobiographies.
i only read if it’s for school assignments.
i hate reading.
i like to write.
i have a journal/diary.
i like making up fanfiction.
i write my own stories.
i want to be a writer or a journalist.
i like taking pictures.
i take pictures of random things.
i take pictures of people.
i take pictures of myself.
i use aol instant messenger.
i use msn instant messenger.
i use yahoo! instant messenger.
i use another instant messaging program.
i go on chatrooms. (chatroulette?)
i play an instrument.
i play electric guitar.
i play acoustic guitar.
i play piano.
i play the drums.
i play the violin.
i play the cello.
i play the harp.
i play the tambourine.
i play the keyboard.
i play the something unusual, like a glockenspiel.
i play something not mentioned here.
i can sing.
i take lessons.
i’m in a band.
i want to be in a band.
i have an instrument somewhere in my house, but i don’t know how to play it.
i think i suck at whatever instrument i play.
i have a favorite type of music.
my favorite type of music is rock.
my favorite type of music is rap.
my favorite type of music is alternative.
my favorite type of music is hip-hop.
my favorite type of music is underground.
my favorite type of music is indie.
my favorite type of music is techno.
my favorite type of music is oldies.
my favourite type of music is emo.
my favorite type of music is screamo.
my favorite type of music is heavy metal.
my favorite type of music is pop.
my favorite type of music is the stuff they play on the radio.
my favorite type of music is the stuff all my friends listen to.
my favorite type of music is something unknown.
my favorite type of music is never even heard of.
i don’t have a favorite type of music.
i listen to anything and everything.
i appreciate all types of music.
my favorite music is something in a different language.
i like watching movies.
my favorite type of movies is comedy.
my favorite type of movies is romantic.
my favorite type of movies is romantic comedies.
my favorite type of movies is action/adventure.
my favorite type of movies is gory.
my favorite type of movies is scary.
my favorite type of movies is something in a different language.
my favorite type of movies is old movies.
my favorite type of movies is something not mentioned here.
my favorite type of movies is animated.
my favorite type of movies is disney.
my favorite type of movies is dramatic.
i like all movies.
i just watched a movie in theatres within the past two weeks.
i haven’t watched a new movie in a long time.
i hate movies.
i watch television.
i’m addicted to a tv show.
i watch medical shows. (ex. grey’s anatomy, house, etc.)
i watch dramas.
i watch soap operas.
i watch disney channel.
i watch an action series.
i enjoy reality series.
i get addicted to reality shows like american idol , dancing with the stars,america’s next top model, etc.
i think lifetime movies are always depressing.
i watch anime.
i watch cartoon network.
i watch adult swim.
i believe in heaven and hell.
i believe in god.
i believe in magic.
i believe in love.
i believe this world needs peace.
i do something to help prevent global warming.
i know what global warming is.
i believe in ghosts and demons.
i hate wars.
i like pretty colors.
i wear a lot of beads.
my shoes are vans.
my shoes are nikes.
my shoes are converse.
my shoes are keds.
my shoes are sneakers.
my shoes are old.
i just got new shoes.
i wear heels.
i wear flats.
i have a million pairs of shoes.
i have a collection of something.
i have a celebrity crush.
my celebrity crush is a smoking hot guy.
my celebrity crush is an absolutely gorgeous woman.
i have a poster/picture of my celebrity crush on my wall.
my celebrity crush is an actor.
my celebrity crush is an actress.
my celebrity crush is in a band.
my celebrity crush is a comedian.
my celebrity crush is a talk show host.
my celebrity crush is something else.
i don’t have a celebrity crush.
i hate love.
i love love.
i believe in magical unicorns!
i love the movie high school musical.
i think zac efron is a babe
i think johnny depp is sexy.
i’m in love with channing tatum.
i don’t know who any of those guys are.
i am infatuated with angelina jolie.
i’d rather have gorgeous jessica alba.
i think jessica simpson is a dumb blonde.
i don’t know who any of those girls are.
i can shake it like shakira!
i use mechanical pencils.
i drink starbucks too much.
i’m addicted to boba!
i’d rather be jamba juicin’.
i love the smell of sharpie pens.
i liked this survey :)
i am a guy.
i am 5-13 years old.
i am 14-25 years old.
i am 25+ years old.
i have black hair.
i have blonde hair.
i’m a brunette.
i have dark hair.
i have highlights.
i have different colored hair.
my hair is long.
my hair is short.
my hair is straight.
my hair is curly.
my hair is wavy.
my hair is choppy.
i have split ends.
my name starts with the letter a.
my name starts with the letter b.
my name starts with the letter c.
my name starts with the letter h.
my name starts with the letter i.
my name starts with the letter l.
my name starts with the letter m.
my name starts with the letter n.
my name starts with the letter o.
my name starts with the letter q.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter q.
my name starts with the letter r.
my name starts with the letter s.
my name starts with the letter t.
my name starts with the letter u.
my name starts with the letter v.
my name starts with the letter w.
my name starts with the letter x.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter x.
my name starts with the letter y.
my name starts with the letter z.
i know someone whose name starts with the letter z.
i have a boyfriend.
i have a girlfriend.
i’m in love.
i have a crush.
my crush knows i like him/her.
my crush doesn’t know i like him/her.
i want to tell my crush i like him/her.
i hate boys.
i hate girls.
boys are stupid.
girls are weird.
i’m immature.
i’m “mature.”
i laugh loud.
i like to dance.
i like to sing.
i think i’m beautiful.
i think i’m handsome.
i think i’m ugly beyond all means.
i think i’m average.
i think i weigh too little.
i think i weigh too much.
i like chocolate.
i dislike chocolate.
i’m in elementary school.
i’m in junior high.
i’m in college.
i’m in high school.
i go to public school.
i go to a private school.
my school wears uniforms.
my school is all boys.
my school is all girls.
i like my school.
i hate my school.
i have a best friend.
i can tell anything to my best friend.
my best friend and i are crazy, loud, and fun.
i don’t have a best friend.
i want a best friend.
i’m currently looking for a best friend.
i hate my life.
i’m emo.
i’m scene.
i’m a punk.
i’m prep.
i’m gothic.
i’m geeky.
i’m a jock.
i play sports at my school.
i’m brainy.
i’m nerdy.
i’m a gangster.
i’m “ghetto.”
i’m a whore.
i’m a slut.
i don’t believe in stereotypes/labeling.
i don’t care what people think.
i have siblings. (one sibling.)
i have 2-4 siblings.
i have 5 or more siblings.
i’m an only child.
i live with both my parents.
i live with one of my parents.
i live alone.
my house is big.
my house is small.
my house is average.
my house has one story.
my house has two stories.
my house has more than two stories.
i don’t live in a house.
i live in an apartment.
i live in a high-rise building.
i live in the dormitories.
i live in a box on the streets.
my bedroom is small.
my bedroom is large.
i have a walk-in closet.
my closet is tiny.
i have pictures/posters all over my walls.
my walls are painted.
i have a bathroom in my room.
i share my room.
i have a computer in my room.
i have a desk in my room.
i have drawers in my room.
i think i have too many clothes.
i dress for style.
i dress for comfort.
i follow trends.
i make up my own trends.
i dress however i want.
i dress like all my friends.
i shop at designer stores.
i shop at thrift or department stores.
i don’t shop.
i’m caucasian.
i’m italian.
i’m german.
i’m irish.
i’m mexican.
i’m african - american.
i’m asian.
i’m chinese.
i’m japanese.
i’m korean.
i’m filipino.
i’m indian.
i’m something not mentioned on here.
i’m not from this planet, actually.
i have an accent when i speak.
my parents have an accent when they speak.
my favorite food is whatever ethnicity/race i am.
my favorite food is chinese.
my favorite food is japanese.
my favorite food is american.
my favorite food is mexican.
my favorite food is filipino.
my favorite food is italian.
my favorite food is all of these.
my favorite food is something else.
i like to read.
i read mangas.
i read novels.
i read romantic stories.
i read fiction.
i read fantasy.
i read action/adventure.
i read biographies/autobiographies.
i only read if it’s for school assignments.
i hate reading.
i like to write.
i have a journal/diary.
i like making up fanfiction.
i write my own stories.
i want to be a writer or a journalist.
i like taking pictures.
i take pictures of random things.
i take pictures of people.
i take pictures of myself.
i use aol instant messenger.
i use msn instant messenger.
i use yahoo! instant messenger.
i use another instant messaging program.
i go on chatrooms. (chatroulette?)
i play an instrument.
i play electric guitar.
i play acoustic guitar.
i play piano.
i play the drums.
i play the violin.
i play the cello.
i play the harp.
i play the tambourine.
i play the keyboard.
i play the something unusual, like a glockenspiel.
i play something not mentioned here.
i can sing.
i take lessons.
i’m in a band.
i want to be in a band.
i have an instrument somewhere in my house, but i don’t know how to play it.
i think i suck at whatever instrument i play.
i have a favorite type of music.
my favorite type of music is rock.
my favorite type of music is rap.
my favorite type of music is alternative.
my favorite type of music is hip-hop.
my favorite type of music is underground.
my favorite type of music is indie.
my favorite type of music is techno.
my favorite type of music is oldies.
my favourite type of music is emo.
my favorite type of music is screamo.
my favorite type of music is heavy metal.
my favorite type of music is pop.
my favorite type of music is the stuff they play on the radio.
my favorite type of music is the stuff all my friends listen to.
my favorite type of music is something unknown.
my favorite type of music is never even heard of.
i don’t have a favorite type of music.
i listen to anything and everything.
i appreciate all types of music.
my favorite music is something in a different language.
i like watching movies.
my favorite type of movies is comedy.
my favorite type of movies is romantic.
my favorite type of movies is romantic comedies.
my favorite type of movies is action/adventure.
my favorite type of movies is gory.
my favorite type of movies is scary.
my favorite type of movies is something in a different language.
my favorite type of movies is old movies.
my favorite type of movies is something not mentioned here.
my favorite type of movies is animated.
my favorite type of movies is disney.
my favorite type of movies is dramatic.
i like all movies.
i just watched a movie in theatres within the past two weeks.
i haven’t watched a new movie in a long time.
i hate movies.
i watch television.
i’m addicted to a tv show.
i watch medical shows. (ex. grey’s anatomy, house, etc.)
i watch dramas.
i watch soap operas.
i watch disney channel.
i watch an action series.
i enjoy reality series.
i get addicted to reality shows like american idol , dancing with the stars,america’s next top model, etc.
i think lifetime movies are always depressing.
i watch anime.
i watch cartoon network.
i watch adult swim.
i believe in heaven and hell.
i believe in god.
i believe in magic.
i believe in love.
i believe this world needs peace.
i do something to help prevent global warming.
i know what global warming is.
i believe in ghosts and demons.
i hate wars.
i like pretty colors.
i wear a lot of beads.
my shoes are vans.
my shoes are nikes.
my shoes are converse.
my shoes are keds.
my shoes are sneakers.
my shoes are old.
i just got new shoes.
i wear heels.
i wear flats.
i have a million pairs of shoes.
i have a collection of something.
i have a celebrity crush.
my celebrity crush is a smoking hot guy.
my celebrity crush is an absolutely gorgeous woman.
i have a poster/picture of my celebrity crush on my wall.
my celebrity crush is an actor.
my celebrity crush is an actress.
my celebrity crush is in a band.
my celebrity crush is a comedian.
my celebrity crush is a talk show host.
my celebrity crush is something else.
i don’t have a celebrity crush.
i hate love.
i love love.
i believe in magical unicorns!
i love the movie high school musical.
i think zac efron is a babe
i think johnny depp is sexy.
i’m in love with channing tatum.
i don’t know who any of those guys are.
i am infatuated with angelina jolie.
i’d rather have gorgeous jessica alba.
i think jessica simpson is a dumb blonde.
i don’t know who any of those girls are.
i can shake it like shakira!
i use mechanical pencils.
i drink starbucks too much.
i’m addicted to boba!
i’d rather be jamba juicin’.
i love the smell of sharpie pens.
i liked this survey :)
May 22, 2010
First Date
Was yesterday a dream?
Someone pinch me please!
We went on a date yesterday.
He met me near my Math class, then we walked to Galleria close by.
He bought ice cream for us. We sat down near the fountain, and just talked about stuff and made fun of random people walking by. ^_^
Then we kissed.
[insert majorly high pitched squealing here]
I think I'm in love.
Someone pinch me please!
We went on a date yesterday.
He met me near my Math class, then we walked to Galleria close by.
He bought ice cream for us. We sat down near the fountain, and just talked about stuff and made fun of random people walking by. ^_^
Then we kissed.
I think I'm in love.

May 20, 2010
First post!
The last few weeks have been amazing, almost perfect.
An absolutely wonderful one month in Europe after slogging my butt off for exams in March.
A new laptop, a new phone.
Then love happened.
(Hahaha, more on that later)
It feels scary, doesn't it? Too perfect to exist, what if I wake up and it's all just a dream?
I wish this would never end, but I guess life never works that way now, does it?
So screw worrying right now.. all I can say is..
I can't sleep tonight.
Blame it on all the free time I have these days, summer break's begun! There's so much time and little to do.
(I wish I could say that more often though ^_^)
I love summer!
The sunshine, the pool, lemonades and iced teas, shorts and cotton tees, long days.. everything!
"The summer wind came blowin' in from across the sea
It lingered there, so warm and fair, to walk with me
All summer long, we sang a song, and strolled on golden sand
Two sweethearts, and the summer wind"
The last few weeks have been amazing, almost perfect.
An absolutely wonderful one month in Europe after slogging my butt off for exams in March.
A new laptop, a new phone.
Then love happened.
(Hahaha, more on that later)
It feels scary, doesn't it? Too perfect to exist, what if I wake up and it's all just a dream?
I wish this would never end, but I guess life never works that way now, does it?
So screw worrying right now.. all I can say is..
I can't sleep tonight.
Blame it on all the free time I have these days, summer break's begun! There's so much time and little to do.
(I wish I could say that more often though ^_^)
I love summer!
The sunshine, the pool, lemonades and iced teas, shorts and cotton tees, long days.. everything!
"The summer wind came blowin' in from across the sea
It lingered there, so warm and fair, to walk with me
All summer long, we sang a song, and strolled on golden sand
Two sweethearts, and the summer wind"
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