*dusts cobwebs*
Exams are starting in two weeks so obviously I decided that it's time to revive this place. How have all you gorgeous people been? I've been fantastic minus the fact that I'm getting sucked into the massive vortex of a syllabus that I've decided to finish in 2 weeks. You too? Join the club!
Either way, this post isn't to inculcate your already growing sense of panic, but to bring us all back to the real world (by which I obviously mean the internet).
Do we all share the same sense of panic? YES WE DO! We'll all pass, don't worry. Then December shall arrive and we'll all either freeze partying or party freezing. And then 2014!
Man. Talk about a year just flying by.
Needless to say, we shall all see more of each other soon. Yes? Yes! Here, have some cyanide and happiness.

See you!
Exams are starting in two weeks so obviously I decided that it's time to revive this place. How have all you gorgeous people been? I've been fantastic minus the fact that I'm getting sucked into the massive vortex of a syllabus that I've decided to finish in 2 weeks. You too? Join the club!
Either way, this post isn't to inculcate your already growing sense of panic, but to bring us all back to the real world (by which I obviously mean the internet).
Do we all share the same sense of panic? YES WE DO! We'll all pass, don't worry. Then December shall arrive and we'll all either freeze partying or party freezing. And then 2014!
Man. Talk about a year just flying by.
Needless to say, we shall all see more of each other soon. Yes? Yes! Here, have some cyanide and happiness.

See you!