June 26, 2010

Day 1 [22nd June 2010]

Day 1
Started out rather well. I woke up at around 10, which is early, considering how I a) usually sleep in during summer break and b) sleep in for longer when I'm at my grandparents' place (so it usually extends to about 1, haha)
So today, for the first time in 15 years 5 months and 23 days, I had my nani's parathas straight off the tawa (earlier she made it and kept it on the dining table, covered, and reheated it for me when I woke up). Yes, I feel rather accomplished.
Anyway, considering how my stomach's still a little tender and I was feeling a little on the weak side, I took an hour long nap around 1 and had the ODDEST dream ever.
I had actually fallen asleep in hopes of seeing a dream from the previous night again (it never happens, but I keep trying to make that happen anyway :P)

It involved a doctor who was rather handsome, and extremely charming. Funnily, it wasn't a face I had seen earlier, so I still feel rather astounded by the fact that my imagination actually managed to conjure up a face on it's own, that too one with such clear features. He wasn't too tall, nor too short, just average. He was fair, and had gorgeous black curls. He was understanding, I remember talking about something absolutely vague and he was comforting me by talking in a smooth, patient way (I also remember thinking, my mum must be very irritated by this man. Surprisingly, she kept quite the entire time. She was sitting next to me in the doctor's office.) Then saksham and akshay popped up, there was some talk about polio (touch wood), something about injections, then they went to supermart and I fell asleep in the office and the doc tenderly woke me up.
(I'm a sucker for guys who wake up girls gently and not by screaming in their ears. )

Did I just write an entire paragraph about an imaginary doctor from my dreams?
I think I have a crush on an imaginary friend -_-
(Who's hot. Shut up.)

Soo anyway, in the afternoon I had a seperate dream involving Ruin and an extremely weird text message from him. I woke up rather disturbed (and disappointed, seeing how Doc didn't reappear)

Then later on, for lunch, I made chapatis (two were round and fluffy, the third looked like this cartoon Doraemon on Hungama) My nani's on a mission to make me a person with superb culinary skills so that I don't die of starvation when I head off to college.)

Then after lunch (hardly one for me though, I can barely look at food without feeling queasy in the stomach), I started reading The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks.
Now this man's an absolute genius. I rarely come across contemporary authors who write so movingly, it almost makes your heart ache like the protagonist's.
But the fact that they chose Miley Cyrus for the movie seems so, SO wrong to me. Cyrus' image is hardly one that I could identify with the protagonist's. Throughout the time that I was reading the novel, I kept hearing her southern twang in every dialogue her New York based character spoke.

But maybe, just maybe, she got into the essence of her character for the movie, afterall. I guess I'll have to watch it to figure that out.

The book, was superbly written. Sparks novel's often make for an easy read, yet are extremely captivating and make one crave for some more. The setting was once again, North Carolina. The very fact that his books are based near the ocean makes me happy.

Yes, I love the sea. Two things which never fail to humble me and astound me at the same time are the sky and the ocean.
The sea always gives me a feeling of peace. Even during a storm, I think the ocean is absolutely beautiful in all its majestic power. The very fact that there exists something so.. vast, ceaselessly moving and turning, how can it not make a person awestruck at this sheer wonder of nature?
It's just sad I don't live closer to the waves. I love the sun, the water, the sand (even though it gets into your clothes, you hair, your mouth, your ears, EVERYWHERE).

The sky.. I cannot describe the way I feel when I look up.
Everytime I feel overwhelmed by life, or simply burnt out, I look up for inspiration. It always has a soothing effect on me. It's never ending, always changing.
Be it clear, happy and blue; gray, sinister and stormy or dark as nightfall and full of stars, the sky has always been beautiful.

We take so many things in life for granted, and yet, we keep searching for that elusive answer of life.
Next time you feel that it's just too much to take, just head outside and look up at the sky, and try to absorb the vastness your eyes can't capture all at once.

Then, you'll know what I'm talking about.

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