November 28, 2011
Her reality exists only in his dreams.
Life in Motion
That moment when you realize you're chewing on a pen that's not yours.

November 24, 2011
i hate getting all stupid emotional cuz im really embarrassed and i can't do anything to fix it so i just make the situation worse.
emotionally unequipped i am :|
emotionally unequipped i am :|
November 23, 2011
(whoaaa! hello. it's been too long since i got all deep)
so i've always thought that i was the kind of a person with individualistic interests. you know, the kind of a person who doesn't think so much about how other people think or wish to will you to behave.
basically, the i-don't-give-a-rat's-ass-about-you-i'll-live-life-my-own-way.
but even then, unknowingly, i get affected by what others say or do and wonder, "should i also be doing so?" and end up feeling a little insignificant.
it could be something as simple as someone telling me about the equation they share in a relationship. and then i think to myself, 'should we also be like that? should i also stick to the stereotype and constantly nag him to quit smoking? act like a total hawk and question his every move with someone other than me? blabbity blah blah?"
then it hit me.
i'm not the like every other girl (girlfriend, if we're sticking to the example)
i believe in freedom and space. i won't force anybody to do or not do something, we should make choices only at our own will. i don't believe in sticking to stereotypes, it's foolish even at the most basic level! we've all be trained to think a certain way because that's how we all behave. so much, that we don't even give a second thought before doing something.
sure, if you want someone to do something, ask them to do so. if they don't listen, so what? why are you so riled up about it? chill. (haha) lead your life, let others do the same. it's difficult, i'll agree. we share such complex and dynamic equations with everybody, it's impossible to not have expectations.
but once you stop expecting, it feels so much lighter inside!
and everything seems so much more exciting, because you've stopped expecting.
everything is a surprise.
so yeaaaahhh i'm the cool dude who believes in letting it be (the beatles never fail you.)
i'll do what'll make me happy, along with the people i care for :)
because that's what matters the most.
(whoaaa! hello. it's been too long since i got all deep)
so i've always thought that i was the kind of a person with individualistic interests. you know, the kind of a person who doesn't think so much about how other people think or wish to will you to behave.
basically, the i-don't-give-a-rat's-ass-about-you-i'll-live-life-my-own-way.
but even then, unknowingly, i get affected by what others say or do and wonder, "should i also be doing so?" and end up feeling a little insignificant.
it could be something as simple as someone telling me about the equation they share in a relationship. and then i think to myself, 'should we also be like that? should i also stick to the stereotype and constantly nag him to quit smoking? act like a total hawk and question his every move with someone other than me? blabbity blah blah?"
then it hit me.
i'm not the like every other girl (girlfriend, if we're sticking to the example)
i believe in freedom and space. i won't force anybody to do or not do something, we should make choices only at our own will. i don't believe in sticking to stereotypes, it's foolish even at the most basic level! we've all be trained to think a certain way because that's how we all behave. so much, that we don't even give a second thought before doing something.
sure, if you want someone to do something, ask them to do so. if they don't listen, so what? why are you so riled up about it? chill. (haha) lead your life, let others do the same. it's difficult, i'll agree. we share such complex and dynamic equations with everybody, it's impossible to not have expectations.
but once you stop expecting, it feels so much lighter inside!
and everything seems so much more exciting, because you've stopped expecting.
everything is a surprise.
so yeaaaahhh i'm the cool dude who believes in letting it be (the beatles never fail you.)
i'll do what'll make me happy, along with the people i care for :)
because that's what matters the most.
November 17, 2011
i feel like crying.
November 15, 2011
my soul, it stirred
when you looked at me,
my heart, maybe you heard
the traitor, so loud
against my chest,
your hand, slowly
entwined with mine,
looking at me, you smiled
and for a moment
i forgot to breathe,
but then your lips,
they met mine
& in that moment
we were infinite;
November 12, 2011
(Kaushal, this one's just for you :P)
5. You’re Probably a Night Owl (which is bad!) - Recently, scientists discovered a quirky side effect to having a high IQ: You tend to stay up until later hours and get up later in the morning. These sleeping habits mean you’re also three times more likely to suffer the symptoms of depression, as well as being at higher risk for heart disease and suffer more arterial stiffness than those who go to bed early
4. You’re Less Likely to Pass On Your Genes - A 2008 national census reported that women who had dropped out of high school had the most children on average. Research shows thatcountries with high national IQs tend to have lower childbirth rates in general compared with countries that can’t collectively tie their shoelaces together.
But it’s not all bad news. There’s evidence that the highly educated get more enjoyment out of sex than the dumb jocks.3. You’re More Likely to Lie - The problem with being the smartest guy in the room is that you usually know you’re the smartest guy in the room. You know you have an intellectual edge and can’t help but abuse it. IQ bestows the gift of deception.
2. You’re More Likely to Believe Bullshit - Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons.
1. You’re More Likely to be Self-Destructive - The thing is, the great minds are full of curiosity.Smart people are more likely to be drunks, and people who fall into the “very bright” category (IQs of 125 or greater) are more likely to drink excessively and binge drink.
November 4, 2011
I hate how I was close to you but not anymore.
I don't know how this happened. I don't know how to fix it.
I dislike awkward.
I'm sorry.
^ This has been long overdue. I hope you come across it someday.
On a slightly more happier note(ish :P)

I don't know how this happened. I don't know how to fix it.
I dislike awkward.
I'm sorry.
^ This has been long overdue. I hope you come across it someday.
On a slightly more happier note(ish :P)
November 3, 2011
This show was my shizzle.
How evulll :D
(Side note: Don't try this. In case some smartass says I recommended to do so -.-)
I like.
November 1, 2011
She's the smartest mythological beast ever.

Anyone pre-ordered their copies of Inheritance yet? I can't wait for mine! But first I'll have to re-read Brisingr, cuz I have NO recollection whatsoever about what happened in that book. Ugh Christopher Paolini, why must you make us wait for so longgggg!
Random fact: Eragon's probably the only book I've read a couple of million times, after Harry Potter & HBP/POA. That means obsessively reading it everywhere I went, including the shower. (Yeaa it's an art to not get the pages wet :/ )
Also, if you notice, fellow reader. NO RED SPOTS ANYMOREEEE! *dances*
Took them long enough to go!
My advice: Never, ever, EVER fall sick. As demented and mom-like as it may sound, wash your hands and brush your teeth at night and stay warm all the time and all of that. YOU DON'T WANT TO FALL SICK :O
Believe me, it's mentally torturous to have something like a "simple" viral or a sore throat end up as a full blown illness. Granted, a rash is probably one of the most tame things that can happen in this twisted world, but it's really terrible to go through the pain of taking all those meds and not wanting to look at yourself in the mirror because it's just so scary.
Not only that, I couldn't go out for most of my Diwali break because of this. Missed out on the Metallica concert (what a disaster, more on that later) because my doctor clearly told me that I'll catch some sickness in such a crowded area and die this time (I really hope he wasn't serious :S)
Also, internet is amazing and all of that but it really creeps you out sometimes. When nobody could figure out what was happening to me, we tried looking it up. And man. I fit into the weirdest diseases, from scarlet fever to syphilis (imagine me trying to break the news to my parents. "Hi mom, hi dad. I have an STD -.-")
Yaddayaddayadda whatever.
There's an event on facebook called No Shave November and now I'm really scared Kaushal will attend it! DON'T DO IT.
Please? :)
In other trivial news. Today I woke up to a lot of panicked people telling me school's only got 11 working days left.
Is it really weird that it hasn't hit me yet? I mean, I have my moments when I realise I'll really miss a lot of people (Yes you, Prince. Hahahaha, sachi!) butttttt. Like. You know. Blank feeling.
(Although I bet I'm going to be the first idiot to cry during farewell AND on Scribble Day AND on the day of the last preboard AND on the day of the last board. Just saying.)
Mention of last board makes me feel all asdfgjhjlhgfdhghkj crazy excitement hyperactivity nervousness can't make sense BUT MAN. Last board means last. thing. about. school. EVER.
whoaaa mofo!
The seven billionth kid was born today. Is it just me or does anybody else think that's insanely crowded? :O (And that's seven rather successful sperms)
Anyone pre-ordered their copies of Inheritance yet? I can't wait for mine! But first I'll have to re-read Brisingr, cuz I have NO recollection whatsoever about what happened in that book. Ugh Christopher Paolini, why must you make us wait for so longgggg!
With my copy of the book. It's prolly got one of the coolest covers I've seen. Cool enough to make me make me go whoaa ;) |
Also, if you notice, fellow reader. NO RED SPOTS ANYMOREEEE! *dances*
Took them long enough to go!
My advice: Never, ever, EVER fall sick. As demented and mom-like as it may sound, wash your hands and brush your teeth at night and stay warm all the time and all of that. YOU DON'T WANT TO FALL SICK :O
Believe me, it's mentally torturous to have something like a "simple" viral or a sore throat end up as a full blown illness. Granted, a rash is probably one of the most tame things that can happen in this twisted world, but it's really terrible to go through the pain of taking all those meds and not wanting to look at yourself in the mirror because it's just so scary.
Not only that, I couldn't go out for most of my Diwali break because of this. Missed out on the Metallica concert (what a disaster, more on that later) because my doctor clearly told me that I'll catch some sickness in such a crowded area and die this time (I really hope he wasn't serious :S)
Also, internet is amazing and all of that but it really creeps you out sometimes. When nobody could figure out what was happening to me, we tried looking it up. And man. I fit into the weirdest diseases, from scarlet fever to syphilis (imagine me trying to break the news to my parents. "Hi mom, hi dad. I have an STD -.-")
Yaddayaddayadda whatever.
There's an event on facebook called No Shave November and now I'm really scared Kaushal will attend it! DON'T DO IT.
Please? :)
In other trivial news. Today I woke up to a lot of panicked people telling me school's only got 11 working days left.
Is it really weird that it hasn't hit me yet? I mean, I have my moments when I realise I'll really miss a lot of people (Yes you, Prince. Hahahaha, sachi!) butttttt. Like. You know. Blank feeling.
(Although I bet I'm going to be the first idiot to cry during farewell AND on Scribble Day AND on the day of the last preboard AND on the day of the last board. Just saying.)
Mention of last board makes me feel all asdfgjhjlhgfdhghkj crazy excitement hyperactivity nervousness can't make sense BUT MAN. Last board means last. thing. about. school. EVER.
whoaaa mofo!
The seven billionth kid was born today. Is it just me or does anybody else think that's insanely crowded? :O (And that's seven rather successful sperms)
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