How have all you fabulous people been? Contrary to popular belief on the internet, I am very much alive, albeit much more involved with commitments in the real world (basically having a brilliant and very sunny and OH-DUDE-TOO-MUCH-HAPPENED end to 2012.)
A new year means different things to different people. For some of us, it's heaving a sigh of relief and being glad that the year is over. For some, it's a vague fear.. will this year be as amazing as the last one? And then there are the ones who simply don't care, taking each day as the same.

Yet for the majority, it means new beginnings and new promises. New resolutions? Maybe not ^.^ I think eventually you come to a stage in your life where you realize that you don't need a new year to promise something new to yourself. If you intend to do something, you'll do it no matter what, and won't wait for a fresh beginning. Despite that, I do believe that a new year is kind of like a fresh start where you can start all over again (or pretend to) and hopefully, let go of the ghosts of our past, and embrace the challenge of an unknown future.
So this year, let's all try to..
- Communicate
Speak what's on my mind and not let it stay bottled up inside, hoping that subtleties will get through. Subtleties never get through. Say it out, but don't be a blubbering emotional mess all the time.
- Not Fake It

- Make An Effort
Ask your classmates how they spent their new year's. Remember birthdays and anniversaries. Put a smiley at the end of your bye. Keep in touch, even if it's a simple how are you. Ask them how they fractured their ankle. Tell someone they look amazing if you think they do. Hug a lot.
- Stop Procrastinating
Still not sure about this one but guys, come on :P

- Look Good!
Wake up 5 minutes early and wear earrings, instead of sitting in the metro and feeling like a homeless person after looking at all the gorgeous women heh. And take a shower once in every 24 hours, please. Please.
- Save Money
Even if it's just a couple of 10s or 20s in a week. Believe me, when you know you can do whatever you want with it (like afford a fancy date, buy yourself those headphones or hell, throwing them in the air - movie style - and then going all MUAHAHAHAHAHA MERE PAAS PAISA HAI), it's the coolest feeling ever.
(Also guys I've totally imagined a scenario where robbers take everything and then I take out my secret stash of money and then my family calls me their hero.)
- Respect Time
And stick to commitments! Don't keep your driver waiting all the time. Don't keep your girlfriend or boyfriend waiting all the time. Submit assignments on deadlines, deliver babies on due dates and we're all set.
- Exercise
Stop laughing okay. We'll all put up our bikini pictures together.
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