The Bryan Adams concert got postponed from 15th and was tentatively supposed to be on the 20th. But now it's cancelled.
I wanted to go for it so bad :( All (one :P) my favourite people were going. It felt worse than heartbreak when I realized this would happen.
For the first time in my life, I've realized how much the actions of other people (or in this case, the lack of) affect all of us. For no fault of mine or my friends or the thousands of other people who bought those tickets, we suffered. Simply because the organizers couldn't do a thing as simple as get a fire clearance certificate. And that too because they oversold the tickets. This is wrong on so many levels, it's insane! How the hell could someone be so disorganized when 10 thousand people and a world renowned celebrity were involved? And why just Delhi? Bangalore hosts such events regularly, so does Mumbai. Hyderabad had Bryan Adams too. And so did Dhaka and Kathmandu, places which, I'm guessing, don't hold such events very often.
So dear Delhi, what the hell went wrong? Delhi regularly has high profile visits from all over the world, it's the freaking capital of an entire bloody nation for Christ's sake! Why can't we handle a simple concert?! You know, it happens over and over and over again. First CWG was such a big mess, now this. You only realize the magnitude of what goes on in the bigger picture once you get directly affected by it. It makes you angry. It's not your fault, you've held your end of the deal. But they fuck it all up. You hope that they'd learn and finally, one day, they would get their acts together and leave no room for mistake. But they do it anyway. And the worst bit?
You can't do a damn thing about it.

This calls for a celebration! Champa- I mean, pizza, anyone?
Oh oh, trip tomorrow B)
The Bryan Adams concert got postponed from 15th and was tentatively supposed to be on the 20th. But now it's cancelled.
I wanted to go for it so bad :( All (one :P) my favourite people were going. It felt worse than heartbreak when I realized this would happen.
For the first time in my life, I've realized how much the actions of other people (or in this case, the lack of) affect all of us. For no fault of mine or my friends or the thousands of other people who bought those tickets, we suffered. Simply because the organizers couldn't do a thing as simple as get a fire clearance certificate. And that too because they oversold the tickets. This is wrong on so many levels, it's insane! How the hell could someone be so disorganized when 10 thousand people and a world renowned celebrity were involved? And why just Delhi? Bangalore hosts such events regularly, so does Mumbai. Hyderabad had Bryan Adams too. And so did Dhaka and Kathmandu, places which, I'm guessing, don't hold such events very often.
So dear Delhi, what the hell went wrong? Delhi regularly has high profile visits from all over the world, it's the freaking capital of an entire bloody nation for Christ's sake! Why can't we handle a simple concert?! You know, it happens over and over and over again. First CWG was such a big mess, now this. You only realize the magnitude of what goes on in the bigger picture once you get directly affected by it. It makes you angry. It's not your fault, you've held your end of the deal. But they fuck it all up. You hope that they'd learn and finally, one day, they would get their acts together and leave no room for mistake. But they do it anyway. And the worst bit?
You can't do a damn thing about it.
This calls for a celebration! Champa- I mean, pizza, anyone?
Oh oh, trip tomorrow B)
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