February 25, 2011

how much liquor? sin theta cos theta tan theta!

Hahahahahahaha ^

I'm baaacckkk! I liked the trip, it was weird in the beginning but it was a lot of fun! No tigers though :( But it's okay, I'd gone to Corbett wayyy back in 3rd grade and I'd seen one then from far far faaaaaaaarrrrr away so it's cool :D
Some of the kids had INSANE drunk moments, it was hilarious! And the moment we started enjoying the trip, it got over :/ and someone ruined the end of it for me by blabbing to the reps and giving them a nice relationship status update, so blah. But blah. you know. Blah :P

Alsoooo. Results came out yesterday.
From what was expected, I was going to fail.
But I passed.
With semi-flying colours.
And the gold medal's still onnnn! :D

Okay I should stop acting like such a freaking nerd already.
But duuuuuude! Win.

So 12th grade has begun. I've got nice teachers. Monika ma'am is still our class teacher and teaching us Business(yay?) Neeru ma'am's for Math (I don't know what to think about that), Jaya ma'am's taking Accounts (?), Dipinder ma'am's taking English (facepalm), Harpreet ma'am's taking Eco (Hehehehehehe).

I really thought that I'd nerd up and stay in class throughout the year and study like this good kid. One minute later, I was called out of class, and had to stay out for two hours -.-

Investiture's on 28th. HEAD GIRL MEANS SHINY NEW BADGE THAT SAYS HEAD GIRL! HELL YEAHH! But something really uncool happened. Everybody who failed in some subject doesn't get a post.
That sucks, okay? My friends lost their posts because of this, and they really did deserve them. But, I don't know. it's not like the school could do much about that. Still, it feels like blah.
And also, now we don't have people to give those posts to! We don't have ANYBODY who can be the girl counterpart of the MUN sec-gen! Same goes for a lot of house posts and CEEC presidents and Sports captains and Cultural Presidents.

I finally bought a new waaatttccchhhhh! And then I kept telling everybody the time after every few minutes and pissed everyone off in school :D Finally, Khyati decided to ask me the time all the time herself and Tanay tried to eat my hand off -.-
But it's so beautiful! It's black and shiny and sexy and has these long straps. Hehehehehehe.
I also made mom buy me some other stuff, and a new wallet! IT IS SO COOL. BAS.

I like how this is going.

Tweet of the Day: Also, it’ll start wearing all #000000.


Subliminal Sex Sells of the Day: And the tradition lives on.

oh my god my life


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