Day 6

"And I'm free
Free falling"
Okay so it's pretty late at night here and I'm insanely sleepy, but I thought I'd update before I forget and/or everyone starts threatening me again.
Today was rocket launch dayy! And land rover testing dayy! And one presentation dude> Dr. Shah.
Remember how we'd built a land rover on the first day? Well today, we tested it out on a track that looked the the martian terrain. And there were all these fancy rocks that we had to recognize with the help of a spectrometer. Recognizing each rock gave us $5 million, and we got its face value if we managaed to get it back to the base. The jackpot was this rock called Goethite> $400 million :O
Our rover broke, hahahaha :P I mean, we got pyroxene correct but then we went to get another rock and then the wheels fell off. But then later on we got to know that most teams didn't get to that stage either, so it wasn't half as bad.
Then the Dr. dude came, and he basically told me that I should become a doc cuz I'm natural at all this.
Way to go, man. Where were you two years ago, when I actually had to make this choice? -.-
(thanks Suchit :S)
(thanks Suchit :S)
Only one of the rockets bursted, the rest of them launched properly and had their parachutes deployed. My team's rocket gave us a cardiac arrest though. The parachute didn't deploy when it reached 60m, and then I got so. fucking. scared :O but then it opened up later on so it was cool :d
(The reason why the rocket launch was important was because if the rocket didn't land properly, the entire week's activities went waste)
Then we came back, got into our school uniforms and went for the graduation dinner, wehre they announced thaaattt..
Yayayayayayayayyayayayayaaaaaaaa it did B)
So then we had the most amazing dinner ever and we returned to the hotel, celebrated Adi's birthday (yes it's Adi's birthday today :D), went to swim, and here I am. Almost dead. Tomorrow we leave for Orlando, get some sun and laze around :)
I love life right now.
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