October 23, 2011

This & That & All of That

Yes, fine, I'll admit it. I've been avoiding posting about myself and been posting other fluff on the blog instead. Hey, it's all funny stuff alright. I just feel so lazaayyyyyyy. Because so much's been happening and I've basically lost track of timelines now. But luckily, Diwali break's here (very desperately needed).

Unfortunately, I'm sick. Again. This is officially the crappiest year in terms of my health so far! This is the third time I've fallen sick now, wth? And it's all super weird stuff. Like right now, I have little red dots everywhere. Everywhere. Including my face. And I feel horrible and look weird and all of that -.- And so I refuse to step out of home, boo!


But life's been good otherwise. Remember how I talked about October being good?
October's my mofo-ing bitch!
So everything's good. Yes :) I'm happy. And not just crazy-laughing-excitedly-because-I'm-hyper-happy but Osho happy too, haha.

Whutt elseeee. CanKids is over, founder's day is over, Diwali mela is over (blinks innocently), all of that.   Somehow, it's kind of evident now that everyone's a little hassled, a little nervous, even borderline panicked. I mean that for 12th graders. Yeah, I am too, a little. Hey, who wouldn't be? I have classmates who spout random stats all the time and tell me crazy stuff! For instance:

Classmate: Hi Akanksha. Did you know that there are only four months left before our boards? That leaves us with exactly one month to prepare for each subject, not counting English, of course. But English is of vital importance too. I would give preference to Math and Accountancy though, these subjects can really make or break you. I have this amazing tutor who guides me and is my beacon of hope in these dark times. I have, obviously, decided to cut my tv subscription and wifi connection, in addition to abstaining from going out, eating, sleeping, or breathing for that matter. So life's good. How's it going with you?

Akanksha: I, uh.. did my math homework.. *stares at feet*

WHAT! What am I supposed to do! I've even started getting those board smses, this one said something on the lines of

God A/c Dr
    To Life A/c
(Being occurrence of death)


It's kind of funny after a while though :P I've started reading a lot again, but nothing new. I still have a bunch of unread books lying at home and it's a shame, really! This was all my summer reading. It's terrible, but it can't be helped!

I really want to eat jalebi.

Okay that was random. But I really want to! The one that's not too soft or too crisp or too sweet or too hot! (In fact, I really like cold jalebi for some reason) Am I really talking about jalebi? I'm talking about jalebi.

My god, I sound delusional. 

I can't wait for november-december. I know it's weird, but I really like that period before exams. Like, all you have to do is stay at home and study. In a way, it's kind of peaceful, cuz nobody's at home and your mom isn't permanently hovering over you and asking if you're hungry.

Typical conversation starter:
   "You want anything to eat?"
Now here's the deal. This is a trick question. Anything you say will result in you being blackmailed into doing something that was exactly the opposite of what you wanted. 

Answer One:
"No ma, I'm not hungry"
"Are you sure?"
"But I just made something"
"But I'm not hungry!"
Five minutes later, mom walks in the room and places a plate of food on my bed -.-

Answer Two:
"Yes, I'm hungry"
"What do you want to eat?
"Anything what?"
"Ew, no. Something that tastes better"
"Give me options then!"
"What all is available?"
"Then give me anything tasty no!"
"Like what?"
"Kuchh bhiii!"
"Like what?!"

See what I mean? 

So anyway, I should probably start doing something more constructive now. Medicines make you sleepyyy lahh. Please pray I get better soon and don't fall sick again for a very long time? It's really difficult to feel happy when you're covered in red spots all over for no apparent reason whatsoever. 


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