July 29, 2012

Shady's Back (Hehehe)

Akanksha's List of Mortal Fears that Stem from Being In A Girls College

1. I will forget what boys look like.
2. I will forget how to behave around boys.
3. I will stop caring about how I dress and then when I go out on a date* with somebody, I will turn up in my pajamas.
4. *I will never encounter a boy and go on a date in the first place, hence ending up forever alone.

Fine, fine. I'll admit I'm sounding a leeeetal shallow by only cribbing about the boys bit of it. BUT COME ON YOU GUYS (gals? :|). Guys are admittedly more stupid and hence take more risks and usually you're just part of that group and end up doing the same foolish (read: fun) stuff. SO WHAT IF I JUST SPEND THREE YEARS OF MY LIFE DOING TAME THINGS AND THE BIGGEST RISK I TAKE IS SHOPPING IN A SHADY PLACE?!?!?!?! No wonder girls experiment so much sexually when they're in not in a co-ed. 

I'm not being sexist. I'm panicking. 

Anyway. What's been new? I recently turned 18 and recieved the most amazing surprise ever! (Yes. Finally :P). I got a temp online job and earned money for the first time. I won a local karaoke and might end up going to Finland (Yeah, who knew people took karaoke so seriously? :O). I learnt how to drive in 2nd gear, whoa! I got through an brilliant college in DU, although it comes with the baggage of explaining, "Nahi bhaiya. IP University nahi, IP COLLEGE. DU WALA. TOP TEN MEIN HAI -.-". I got glasses, haha. I shopped like crazy and ODed on clothes and books and movies. I discovered my joy for cupcakes, and all those who think they're too sweet deserve to die. I did some seriously questionable things. Majorly so. I realized I have enough time to start blogging again! HALLELUJAH.

.. And this barely sums up the last week :P

So considering how I'd like to see more of you again, how about we change the theme to my blog sometime soon? Yeah, that'd be nice. It'll also be nice to move out and live in Delhi, but hey. Baby steps.

Also, remember. If your friends are not downright batshit criminally crazy, why in god's name are they your friends again?

Much lovin'!

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