November 29, 2014

Many Of Horror

With December right around in the corner, the mood for reflection is in the air too. Some of us did well for ourselves, some of us truly entered the trance arena of a downward spiral. But hey, you know what they say about perspective, right? So if you're feeling shitty about yourself, let me tell you the tale of 27th November.

My days often start when the sun is blazing right on top of your head. Waking up at noon is not luxury, it is an opportunity grabbed at every holiday. After a series of study leaves managed to turn my sleep cycle upside down (hey, at least I was studying and not watching Orange Is The New Black) (maybe), I woke up at 7 am to take an exam. 

All good. Except I woke up to utter chaos. My mum and brother were running late for school, and it turned out that the driver didn't show up with the car either. One car, two destinations. Dad decided to drop us both together, mum fans to first to school and then me to the metro station. Halfway into the ride, I realised that I didn't have my admit card on me. 


We turned back. I ran upstairs. And I could not find my admit card ANYWHERE. If I'm not able to take this exam today, my graduation gets delayed by an entire year. Panic. Chaos. Somehow my brain works, I grab last year's admit card and run back to the car. 

I'm running late already. 

At the metro station, I make a few calls to make sure that a classmate can go to the admin ffice and start the process of finding out what I can do now. WHERE IS THE DAMN METRO? It comes, and thank the gods it wasn't a white light one or I would have cried. I take a seat, and pull out some notes to revise, when a guy sitting next to me starts rapping Honey Singh songs. Ha ha ha. Out of all days. I block him out and try to focus. At Green Park, I realise something is wrong. I forgot my calculator. This is a practical paper. 


I call my friend at the hostel to help me arrange for one, except there's one glaring problem. Math Hons has their paper today too, which is prime calculator market. Hey, you can't expect Pol Sc kids to have calculators. I cross my fingers, hoping she'll find some Econ kid, glare at Honey Singh man, and get on with life. 

I reach college with five minutes to spare, take the paper, and only once do I wonder if I'll really pass this paper or not. I come out, somewhat alive after 3 hours, only to hear people telling me that the paper was an EXACT copy of 2014's SOL paper. But how can that be possible? I solved all the past papers yesterday! 

Turns out my 10 Year's was last year's edition. I didn't even have the 2014 paper -.- 

Fuck this shit. I go to the admin office to get a new admit card. They ask me to wait for 3 hours. I give up. I'd even forgotten to carry my phone's charger, there was nothing to do but wait. At around 2, I generally stroll by the office again, only to have a guy stop me and tell me that I don't need to wait till 3, because they had my old admit card all along and just.. forgot. 

ARGH. I mean, I know I should be thankful, but this could have been totally avoided IF THEY HAD ONLY HAD SOME PRESENCE OF MIND (not that I'm one to say, considering how I lost it in the first place -.-) 

Oh well. I take the metro back. It's 8 coach, it's HUDA City Centre, I get a seat immediately, hey maybe my day is turning around! 

I climb up the stairs of my home thinking "oh man, the only better feeling than coming home is coming back to an EMPTY home awwyissss!". Except the door is unlocked. I try to open it, it's shut from the inside. No worries, I realise that my brother is home. Except he's not opening the door! I ring the bell, I call the landline, I scream his name, nothing is happening. My brother is literally snoring away to glory. And I'm stuck outside in the cold, I need to pee, I'm sleep deprived, and all I really want to do is wear ratty pajamas and lie on my bed. 

Life: "LOL no" 

It's all good! I go over to Srijan's. Probably the only part of my day that was truly the nicest. Don't you just love it when you have someone who will just casually turn your day around just by virtue of their existence? 3 hours of aimless conversation, Jasper tests and silly jokes later, I head back home. My mum has literally managed to break into our own house just to get inside, everyone is inside (my brother was still sleeping btw, that adorable shit), my boyfriend was on the phone and there was a double chocolate chip cookie waiting for me somewhere. Just like that, it was midnight, and the day was over. And you know what?

I survived 27/11. 
(That line might be in poor humour) 

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