December 23, 2014

Bloop Bye 2014

Of all the misused sentences spoken/written by people, "This year flew by!" is probably in the top five. But I swear to god guys, I mean it when I say it, this year really did fly by!

(stop rolling your eyes)

Mes amis, admittedly, I did a lot of stupid and bold and awesome shit this year. If I had to rate 2014, I'd give it a 5 on 10, but then I'd rethink that and give it like a 7.5 instead. I had numerous failures this year, fourth semester was awful, I tanked my GMAT, I applied to a school I had no intention of actually going to but got emotionally invested in it anyway (at least my parents did, and boy does that lead to a healthy set of disappointments), and somewhere along the line it hit me that I'm literally throwing my education away.

I lost all my interest in my course somewhere in the beginning of this year, kind of blinded by my superior intellect (ha!) and thought that things will fall into place anyway. Well nuh uh, let me tell you one thing. If you're even the slightest bit competitive, know that it fucking sucks to see your friends do better than you (sorry babies, I love you either way :P)

So after wasting the first half of my year just ambling away, I got my shit together, beat up a boy, rolled my sleeves up, and decided to just fucking get my game back. I have no idea how I've done this semester, and if this one sucked too, I guess all the smoking up really did kill off all my brain cells (wasn't even worth it. or maybe. nvm).

It doesn't matter. All I know is, this year, I fucked up, and then I decided to not fuck up any more. And it's all good. I've learnt that:

1. Desperation is necessary to take you places. If you want an internship, GET AFTER THEIR LIVES. Don't wait for them to reply if it's been 4 days. Call them, hound them, turn up at their reception after thoroughly stalking everybody from the company on LinkdIn. You need this, they need to know that. Stop worrying about being chape.

2. GROW A BACKBONE. Be a bitch if you must. It's alright to not take shit from people no matter how much you wish to please them (unless they're your boss). If somebody is making you unhappy, you have every right to tell them. Take revenge if you must, but remember that you can't have any regrets later.

3. But also know that there is a right place and right time to say things. Tact is imperative.

4. Never, ever, ever drink if you haven't eaten all day. You will retch till your gastrointestinal tract turns inside out and you will want to die but death won't come to you and that'll make you want to die even more.

5. Stop it with the jealousy fueled hatred. This one goes out especially to the girls. I know so many of us just hate on others just because they're actually happy in life - they have good grades and a great social life and perfect eyebrows. That is NOT the reason to hate on somebody, that is immaturity. Cut it out (and pick up some tips on the brows after that)

< / gyaan >

I know that it's been a decent year. I'm happy. I know what I want to do in life. I met a lot of lovely people. I dated some of them :P I got lots of work xp and enjoyed all of it. Fifth semester was a thing of beauty that threw me out of my comfort zone and helped me realize a lot of things about myself. I voted this year, I got my driver's license this year. I drove all the way to campus and back! I finally got rid of everything blackberry (hahahaha), grew out my hair, discovered Forever 21, turned 20 in the face of it, and survived this year.

I'd say cheers to that!
2015, on to you :)
(Calm your tits, I know there's a week left)
(But I'm going to Goa after that so fuck y'all)


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