August 24, 2011

an sos to the world


Yes little people, I've grown old and it's way past my bedtime (what's with the same rules applying for really young and really old people? Huh.) and I'm awake at this ungodly hour on a school night haw haw HAW.

No I didn't have coffee.
Okay maybe.
WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DOOOOO. It's been pouring outside since forever and it's beautiful and it was the perfect nescafe moment SO FINE SHUSH NA.

But I don't know what to say! I mean of course I'm saying stuff right now too and there's a lot on my mind, liiiiike:

a) Exams
b) Integration
c) I think I have ADHD.
d) Teacher's day.
c) My latest fascination with niggatalk.
d) My lack  of common aptitude skills as I wrote c, then d, then c and d again. Like C&D formulae! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA everything in life is math, bitches.
e/g/adfvhgv) How people have forgotten how important kindness is (it took me a minute to remember the word important -.-) BECAUSE SEE. When I was in Germany, my exchange partner's dad was THE SHIZZLE. Okay no I'm having bursts of this craziness. But he was a kind man. And he always bought me ice cream and took pictures for me on my camera so that I can live in the moment and HE WAS JUST SO NICE. I mean, the man didn't know me, he knew I was going to never see him again after four weeks and I'm pretty sure he thought I was psycho cuz I kept telling their entire family how much I loved them BUT the point is he did it anyway.
That's my aim this month. We've forgotten how to be kind, we're all too self absorbed to actually bother about the others now. And this feels preachy and kinda sorta pointless but DUDE. Nobody says anything against my exchange partner's dad. Bas.

(Although coming to think about it, such a perception can only be formed when you know someone only for a limited time period. I mean, flaws in someone's character only start to show after spending long periods of time with them. Oh well.)

8) (I gave up on alphabets. Maybe I should use bullets) Sting is freaking amazing. Even I want to be an Englishman in New York.

9) Blackberry has killed my facebook life, especially considering how my wifi died and now no internet access on my phone (no I won't spend a million bucks on paid internet + too lazy to get internet plan). Although honestly speaking, fb's wayyy overcrowded now. I mean, earlier I used to care but now I just see 100+ mutual friends and add them.

10) I miss all my seniors who've run away to college/uni. Hello seniors, I miss you.

11) ANNA HAZARE IS ALL OVER THE FREAKING PLACE. Everyone's supporting him but nobody quite knows what they're supporting -.- It's annoying. Enlighten yourselves first, then go protest.

12) Macha. Can't stop saying. Stop myself in front of people who still believe I've some sanity left in me, but in my head, the voices just say macha macha macha.
(No I'm not schizophrenic)

13) This movie called Mausam! *squeals* I'm a sucker for love stories and this one looks perfect and I like people like Sonam Kapoor cuz they dress beautifully.

14) Messed up sleep. I wake up from a lucid dream at exactly 4.30am every night now. It's scary and it's creepy and I dreamt the worst dream ever (I don't know why I didn't just say nightmare). It was.. I. Nevermind. Anyway, I don't know what to do about it.

15) "Reasons aren't needed, the feeling is sufficient enough"

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