August 11, 2011

Underrated. Priceless.

1. A hug, a nice warm tight hug.
2. Text messaging.
3. Someone you haven't met in years.
4. An emoticon :)
5. A kiss. No tongue, just a plain simple kiss.
6. That feeling you get when you're on the phone with your best friend
7. Hand made birthday cards
8. Chocolate. The ONLY thing that works when nothing else does.
9. A phonecall
10. A letter or a postcard
11. Holding hands
12. Long hot showers.
13. The tingles in your stomach when you see THAT person
14. The adrenaline rush whenever you do something you're not supposed to.
15. The way sand feels under your feet when you stand near the waves coming in.
16. The IM window.
17. Late night conversations.
18. An apology
19. That feeling you get when you know that the last class of the week is going to end in another 5 minutes.
20. The day before your birthday
21. A song on the radio.
22. Laughing like crazy just after sharing a look with someone.
23. The feeling you get once you've solved a kick ass math question
24. A warm nose on a winter day.
25. Your favorite movie on HBO
26. The smile on your face when your favorite couple from your favorite TV show make up after a really long fight.
27. A baby holding your finger
28. When a kid tells you how pretty you are. :) :)
29. That feeling in your stomach when you've over eaten
30. Rainy nights and coffee.

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